Fun for Everyone
Historic Weston Orchard and Vineyard is the region's must-visit destination for apple picking, outdoor play, and wine tasting. Whether you're entertaining a car full of kids, planning a birthday party, or touring area wineries, 50 acres of farm fun will keep you entertained for hours!

Play Zones
Most outdoor activities are designed for children aged 2-12 but can also be enjoyed by the young at heart.
All Seasons:
Bounce pillow
Barnyard Sports Village
Rat Racers
Low-ropes course
Spider web
Giant slide
Treetop houses
Petting zoo
Additional Fall Season:
Corn crib
Hay mountain
2 Acre Corn maze
Hayrack rides (Weekends only)
Barrel train rides (Weekends only)
Carousel rides (Weekends only)
Zinnia Garden
Apple Cannons
Conk the Crow
Candy Cannon shot off @1 pm every Saturday and Sunday
U-Pick Fruit
Picking fresh, seasonal fruit is a great way to make fun family memories.
Tart cherries
July & August
August to November
Apples (View varieties here!)

Take the taste of Historic Weston Orchard & Vineyard home with you. Our collection of canned produce, salsas, jellies, sauces, and pickles make great gifts or additions to your own pantry. Frozen pies and fruit make planning dessert a breeze. Shop the shelves and coolers of the Cider Barn during your visit.